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Politics & Propaganda / Re: Poland is Not an Ally to t...
Last post by Jack - Sep 02, 2024, 06:46 AM
Mate, you're not alone. My brother's in construction and he's had his work dry up because of this very issue. Polish tradesmen come over, undercut the prices, and all the money goes back to Poland. It's frustrating. The UK economy is struggling enough as it is.
Politics & Propaganda / Re: Poland is Not an Ally to t...
Last post by Bill90 - Sep 02, 2024, 06:43 AM
Hey, I work in the construction industry, and I see a lot of Polish workers. They are incredibly skilled and hardworking. Yes, some send money back home, but many also settle here, pay taxes, and raise families. They contribute to our society just like anyone else. Let's not forget that.
Politics & Propaganda / Re: Poland is Not an Ally to t...
Last post by MelWilson - Sep 02, 2024, 06:43 AM
Warsaw is indeed a hotspot for bot attacks, but that's because a lot of these botnets operate out of Eastern Europe. It doesn't mean Poland as a nation is behind it. Most likely, they're as much victims as we are. Improving your site's defenses and perhaps investing in a better hosting solution could mitigate these issues.
Politics & Propaganda / Re: Poland is Not an Ally to t...
Last post by tech_wiz - Sep 02, 2024, 06:42 AM
Man, you're really riled up, huh? Look, every country has bad apples, and while the bot attacks are annoying, blaming an entire nation seems over the top. And about NATO, Poland is on the frontline against Russian aggression. They're not just sitting around.
Politics & Propaganda / Poland is Not an Ally to the W...
Last post by Dom - Sep 02, 2024, 06:40 AM
 I run a small online shop, and I swear every day it's getting hit by bots from Warsaw trying to hack it. Ironically, I'm hardly getting any bot attacks from Russia. Most of my troubles seem to come from countries that are supposed to be our friends. While my security software does a good job of blocking these attacks, it still slows down my site a lot, which impacts sales.

This is just one example of how Poland pretends to be our ally but isn't. They're just freeloaders, sucking up our resources without giving anything back. And don't get me started on how their tradesmen come over here, take our jobs, and send all their earnings back to Poland. Their economy is booming while ours is stagnating. It's time we wake up and see Poland for what they really are: pretenders and scroungers. Thoughts?
Technology / Re: How to stop and delete bot...
Last post by JamesH - Aug 30, 2024, 07:24 AM
Hey mate! 👋

I totally get your frustration. Dealing with bots is the worst! You should definitely try using a plugin that can help you manage and clean up user accounts. There are a few plugins out there designed specifically for this purpose.  WP Bulk Delete Pro version allows you to do this. It allows you to filter and delete users based on their roles and activity including if they have made an order or not.

Another option is to write a custom script to handle this. Here's a little snippet to get you started:

function delete_inactive_users() {
    $args = array(
        'role'    => 'customer',
        'number'  => -1,
        'meta_query' => array(
                'key'     => '_last_order_date',
                'value'   => '',
                'compare' => 'NOT EXISTS'

    $user_query = new WP_User_Query($args);

    if (!empty($user_query->results)) {
        foreach ($user_query->results as $user) {

add_action('admin_init', 'delete_inactive_users');

This script will delete all users with the role of 'customer' who haven't made any orders. Throw this into your theme's functions.php file or create a simple plugin with it. Then once it has deleted the accounts delete the function to otherwise it might just delete customers accounts before they are able to make an order.

Good luck! 🤞
Technology / Re: How to stop and delete bot...
Last post by Jack - Aug 30, 2024, 07:22 AM
Hey there! 😎

This sounds like a classic case of bot attack. Been there, done that! First off, I highly recommend setting up reCAPTCHA on your registration forms to keep those pesky bots out. As for cleaning up, here's a more aggressive approach:

Backup your database (always!).
Use a scheduled task to routinely clean up inactive users.
You can use WP-CLI to script this. Here's a quick command to delete users with no orders:

wp user list --role=customer --meta_key=_last_order_date --meta_compare=NOT EXISTS | awk '{print $1}' | xargs wp user delete --reassign=1
This script lists all users without the _last_order_date meta key and deletes them, reassigning their posts to user ID 1.
Technology / Re: How to stop and delete bot...
Last post by Bill90 - Aug 30, 2024, 07:20 AM
First, install a good security plugin to prevent bots from registering in the first place.

For the accounts already on your site, you can use a combination of plugins and some manual SQL queries. Here's one I've used:

DELETE u, um
FROM wp_users u
LEFT JOIN wp_usermeta um ON u.ID = um.user_id
LEFT JOIN wp_wc_order_stats os ON u.ID = os.customer_id
WHERE os.customer_id IS NULL;

This deletes users and their metadata if they haven't made any orders. Once again, always back up your database before executing such queries! 📦

Cheers and good luck! 🍻
Technology / Re: How to stop and delete bot...
Last post by tech_wiz - Aug 30, 2024, 07:18 AM
Hey mate! 😊

Ugh, bots are the absolute worst 🤪!!!

Here's a nifty SQL query to zap those bots (first make sure to BACKUP your database):

DELETE FROM wp_users
    FROM wp_usermeta
    WHERE meta_key = '_last_order' AND meta_value IS NOT NULL
    FROM wp_usermeta
    WHERE meta_key = 'wp_capabilities'
    AND (
        meta_value LIKE '%administrator%'
        OR meta_value LIKE '%editor%'
        OR meta_value LIKE '%author%'
        OR meta_value LIKE '%publisher%'

**Remember to add in the roles in the code that need protecting.**

Bot Prevention: Install a plugin that adds a CAPTCHA to your registration form like Wordfence (Free version includes recapatcha for woocommerce forms). Bots hate those!
And remember, always back up before you go all delete-happy! 😂 Good luck!
Technology / How to stop and delete bots ac...
Last post by Dom - Aug 30, 2024, 07:10 AM
Hey folks! 😊

My WooCommerce site is getting constantly bogged down by bots creating pointless accounts. I'm talking about 16,000 fake accounts! 😱 I suspect they're doing some vulnerability testing and trying to find weaknesses to hack the site. It's driving me nuts!

Going through these accounts manually to delete them just isn't an option. My finger would fall off from all the clicking... plus it would be all pointless because they would simply just make more! Has anyone else faced this issue and found a solution to delete these accounts that haven't made any actual orders? Any help would be a lifesaver! Thanks in advance! 🙏